My Boy! Free - GBA Emulator
A fast, full-featured GBA emulator with link cable emulation.
Program available in: English
Program license: Free
Program by: Fast Emulator
My Boy! Free is the free version of the world's best Android based Game Boy Advance emulator. If you're nostalgic for the days when you carried around a GameBoy Advance, you'll love My Boy! Free. The free version of this emulator allows you to play any GBA game you has a ROM for. You can save and load games with the game's built-in save capability, just like you would do on the GameBoy itself. The free version is ad supported but that's a small price to pay for access to the entire library of GameBoy Advance games. My Boy! Free boasts the fastest emulation and highest game compatibility available as well as support for Link Cable emulation across Bluetooth or WiFi. You can even put in GameShark codes to hack you games, just like old time! My Boy! Free doesn't require a BIOS file thanks to its high level BIOS emulation. You can even fast-forward through long or boring sections of the game.
If you pony up for the full version you can take away al of the ads, save an load with the emulator's built in functions, sync your saves with cloud storage services and fast forward with even greater speed.

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